Firstly, the symptoms of social anxiety are nuanced for every individual. The root cause and desired outcome determines the treatment pathway. Secondly, social anxiety can be well managed and, in many cases, unlearned with coaching and therapy.
What issues can Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) help with?
EMDR activates the body’s healing process to naturally heal emotional or sensational wound(s).
EMDR is for people who are ready to create a nurturing relationship with themselves. It’s for those who realise what happened to them wasn’t their fault but it’s their responsibility to heal. EMDR shows you how to become an observer of your emotions and thoughts, meaning, you will become witness to how trauma affects you. This creates a gentle healthy detachment and an opportunity to create helpful patterns that serve you.
EMDR helps with many issues stemming from a negative experience, fragments of a memory or sensations you feel profoundly affect the quality of your life. The real horsepower of EMDR is that you don’t need total clarity of the negative experience. Your role is to simply decide if you want to start with a memory or a sensation. The bilateral stimulation process (of EMDR) accesses and brings forward the relevant pieces of the jigsaw.
EMDR doesn’t require talking in much detail about distressing or disturbing experiences that happened to you in the way traditional psychotherapy requires. EMDR instead focuses on the processing of the wound via bilateral stimulation of the right and left sides of the brain. At first you will be encouraged to honour how you feel before being guided to detangle the thoughts, emotions and beliefs caused by the wound. It’s not possible to erase what happened to you but the intensity of the way it impacts you will drastically reduce.
EMDR can be used to treat a range of different mental health issues, some are listed below:
Generalised anxiety or panic disorder
Changing unwanted behaviour
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Single Traumatic Event
Recent Traumatic Event
Somatic Symptoms
Excessive Grief
As a Transformation Coach, I believe evidence-based treatments such as EMDR is both important and beneficial based on research findings and anecdotal testimonials. EMDR will help you ‘reprocess’ a traumatic memory so you’re able to eliminate (or drastically reduce) the intensity of emotions and thoughts; and the impact they hold over your life. With most of my clients I would offer Hypnotherapy as part of a comprehensive programme too. Hypnotherapy will embed the positive thoughts, feeling and behaviours that will support the version of you, you wish to create.
Once thing is for sure, avoidance is not going to heal you. Working through what happened with the right coach and the right modalities is a sure way to improve your quality of life. You’re just moments away from a transformative decision to begin your own healing journey. You don’t have to feel low or down for any longer than you choose.
Book a FREE call now to find out about how a personalised coaching plan can help you release the wounds so you can create a life of joy and contentment.
Let’s have a chat
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